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Rina Honnizumi Bio, Age, Height, Films And Career

Rina Honnizumi Bio

Rina Honnizumi, a name now synonymous with excellence in voice acting, she born in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. One of the significant milestones in Rina Honnizumi’s career was her role in the anime series “Aikatsu!” where she voiced the character Juri Kurebayashi. She is a graduated from Tokyo Animation College.

Rina Honnizumi Age and Height

Rina was born on 4 February 1993 in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. She is 31 years old. Honnizumi stands at a height of 5′ 2″ (1.57 m).

Rina Honnizumi Career

Rina graduated in 2013 at the Tokyo Amination college. She has shown her talent and has appeared in various projects. Her breakthrough was she voiced the Juri Kurebayashi in the anime series Aikatsu. Another pivotal moment in her career was her casting in the anime “Kiratto Pri☆Chan,” where she voiced Mirai Momoyama. This role was a breakthrough for Honnizumi, as it brought her into the limelight and solidified her reputation as a talented voice actress.

One of Honnizumi’s most notable roles is that of Cure Ange in the popular anime series “Hugtto! PreCure.” She was part of the A-1 Pictures Solo leveling as Lee Joo-hee. Rina has over 50 Anime voice shows to her name.  Rina Honizumi’s voice breathed new life into a number of beloved video game characters. Her roles as Fina in “Grandblue Fantasy” and Ayaka in “Genshin Impact”. She was cast as Sicily von Claude in the spring 2019 anime “Wise Man’s Grandchild.” She is currently voicing Asebi in Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master. Some of her notibale works are Hugtto! PreCure, Wise Man’s Grandchild, Plunderer, Let’s Make a Mug Too and Solo Leveling. She has received several accolades for her work, including the Best Supporting Actress award at the Seiyu Awards, a prestigious recognition in the world of voice acting.

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